


杨: My wife always complains when I smoke. She says smoking is the worst thing.我的太太在我抽烟的时候一直抱怨。她说抽烟是最坏的事情。 李: Then you shall stop,darling.那么你就戒掉吧,亲爱的。 杨: But cigarettes are my best friends, honey. I know smoking is not good but I cannot live without it.但是香烟是我最好的朋友,甜心。我知道抽烟不好,但是我不能没有它。 李: Ok, I can tell you some advantages of smoking, and then you can decide how to do.好的,我可以告诉你抽烟的一些好处,然后你来决定怎么做。 杨: Really? Advantages? Please go ahead.真的吗?好处?请继续说。 李: First smoking will protect your house against thieves. Smoking people usually cough a lot during night, thieves may think they are awake and then go away.首先抽烟可以防范小偷。抽烟的人晚上容易咳嗽,小偷们会认为他们还没睡着然后就跑了。 杨: It is not a good reason. Do you have another one?这不是个好理由。有别的呢? 李: Well, smoking people will scare away fierce dogs because they are usually humpbacked and dogs will think they are taking stones.恩,抽烟的人能够吓跑恶狗, 因为抽烟的人容易驼背,狗会以为抽烟者在捡石头。 杨: Come on, these cannot be called advantages.得了吧,这些不能够成为好处。 李: I have last one, smoking will keep you young. Smoking people usually have many diseases, so they don’t have chance to die old.我还有最后一个,抽烟使你保持年轻。抽烟的人通常由很多的疾病,所以他们没有机会在老的时候死去。 杨: Ok, guy, I will stop smoking.好吧伙计,我会戒烟。


Son:Dad?Do you know what the day today?Dad:Enh...What the day today?Let me see。Oh,today is World No-Tobacco Day。!Son:Dad,you know,smoking is harmful,it is bad for your health and also bad for us。Dad:Ok,I won't smoke today。Son:No,not only today but also the rest days。Dad:Ok,I promise you I'll never smoke any more。Son:Oh,thank you dad!



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