


Many of the poisons in the cigarette smoke are absorbed into the bloodstream.When a pregnant woman smokes,these chemical pass from the mother into the baby's blood. The baby of woman smoker may be born underweight,premature or dead.

Babies of mothers who smoke are more likely to die in the first year of life.If they survive,they have a greater risk of lung infections as well as poor physical and mental development.

Studies show that even when a pregnant woman doesn't smoke,the smoke that she breathes in from her husband's cigarettes need to give up smoking early in pregnancy if they want to reduce the risk of their baby being affected.


A:Hey, have you noticed the news that the government will have greatly raised the consumption tax of cigarates in 2012?(嘿,你有没有注意到最近的消息,政府将会在2012年大幅的增加香烟的消费税?)

B:Yes. I've heard about that. What do you think of this?(是的,听到了,你怎么看这个事儿?)

A:Well. I think it is the right action to take. As far as you can tell, smoking does great harm not only to the smokers themselves but also the people around. If the tax is raised, there must be a lot of people who had to give up smoking.(嗯,我认为这个举动是正确的。就你所知的,吸烟不仅对吸烟者自己有害,更对他们身边的人有害。如果这项税增加了,肯定有不少人因此而戒烟)

B:Right. You know sometimes people who are addicted to cigarates can not make up their mind to quit smoking because they find cigarates are cheep to buy and easy to get. If one single pack of cigarates is charged from 20 yuan to 100 yuan, then they will have to stop. It's the action that helps them to quit not in the face but under the skin.(是的,你知道有时对香烟上瘾的人之所以下不了决心戒烟是因为他们觉得香烟不贵并且很容易得到。如果一包香烟从20元一包增长到100元一包的话,那很多人不得不把烟给戒了,这在源头上彻底断了很多人抽烟的想法。)

A:I can't agree with you more. There is a survey on the Internet about this, We must vote our voice for this new action.(我太支持你了,在网上有一个关于这项法案的支持率调查。我们应该为支持这个新的法案而投上一票)

B: Ok, use my laptop.(好的,用我的笔记本电脑吧)

自己编的对话,希望对你们有用。I am the doctorate candidate from Yale University of Finance School.


A: Hello, Linda! Long time no see! How are you?

B: Well.

A: How nice the day is, isn't it?

B: Yeah, it's a lovely sunny day! I didn't want to waste such a nice day so I decided to go sightseeing in Shanghai.

A: Yeah, l agree with you, but do you have a tourist guide? Or you will lose your way.

B: No. But you are a local. Can you be my tourist guide? And do you have any suggestions?

A: No problem! And it's hard to say because there are so many things to see. Like the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the Science Museum and the People’s Square. Oh! How about the Yu Garden? It’s a famous place in Shanghai.

B: I have heard quite a lot about it, it’s a local food and shopping paradise. That’s great. But do you know how to get there?

A: The easiest way is to call a taxi but I think Yu garden is far away from our school.

B: I think it’s not a good way, please save some money for me. I don't want to spend too much on public transport.

A: All right. What do you think about it?

B: I bought a new bicycle one month ago, it's very helpful. I can go there by bike, I thing it’s also very convenient. It's very well organized. The trains are fast and punctual. No wonder they're always so crowded.by the way,i don't think people pay much attention to traffic rules here.more often than not i see people break traffic rules.

A: you are right.we've also realized that.

B: I often see jaywalkers, bicyclists or even taxis run through the red lights.people just ignore the traffic rules unless there are traffic policemen.

A: more and more people are beginning to realize that they will have to bear full responsibility in an accident if they break the rules.hey; you still haven't told me how to go to the yu garden from here.



A:You believe that smoking helps people relax and think more effectively. you argue that many famous statesmen smoke heavliy and live healthliy into their eighties while some nonsmokers die young.



B:You are persuade you partner to give up smoking ,saying that medical reseach has proved the destructive effect of smoking on human health .Besides,smoking is forbindden in public places in more and more countries





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